
According to a new CNN poll, Trump is now leading Joe Biden among ‘men of color.’

Trump did better with minority voters in 2016 and 2020 than anyone expected him to, but now it looks like his numbers are getting even better.

This is precisely why Democrats are panicked and trying to keep Trump off the ballot in some states.

Breitbart News reports:

CNN Poll: Donald Trump Beats Joe Biden Among ‘Men of Color,’ 49-46 Percent

Former President Donald Trump leads President Joe Biden by three points among “men of color” voters, a Tuesday CNN poll found, a “shocking” revelation for Democrats who hope the president can win reelection.

Forty-nine percent of “men of color” supported Trump, the poll found. Just 46 percent backed Biden.

The polling among black men shows a stark contrast from the 2020 election results:

– 42 percent of black men are eligible voters
– 12 percent of eligible black men voted for Trump
– 87 percent of black men supported Biden

The contrast is also stark among male Hispanic voters in 2020:

– 58 percent of Hispanic men are eligible voters
– 40 percent of eligible Hispanic men voted for Trump
– 57 percent of Hispanic men voted for Biden

“Shocking, shocking,” said Van Jones, a CNN commentator. “The Black male, that’s a stunner. Black women have been in the lead, but Black men haven’t been that far behind.”

Here are some more details from the CNN poll.

The election is still a long way off but these numbers are remarkable.


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