
Apparently, there’s no more room at the Inn for illegal immigrants in New York City.

In what the New York Times describes as a “sharp and somewhat unexpected departure,” Mayor Eric Adams announced that his city will start distributing fliers at the southern border discouraging illegals from coming.

“We have no more room in the city,” Adams declared at a press conference.

The fliers warn asylum seekers that there is “no guarantee” the city can provide them with shelter and free government services any longer.

The Times reports that over 90,000 illegals have inundated the city since the spring of 2022. Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) began bussing border crossers to New York in August of that year.

RELATED: NYC Mayor Eric Adams’ Latest Plan to Deal With Illegal Immigrants – House Them in ‘Private Residences’ With ‘Spare Rooms’

New York City To Illegal Immigrants – Stay Out

Sure the hypocrisy is rich and amusing in some manner, but the funniest part about this announcement is the flier itself. It is the exact opposite of anything a typical mayor would like to portray of his city.

It’s basically telling the illegal immigrants to stay away from New York City because, well … it sucks.

“Housing in NYC is very expensive,” they warn.

“The cost of food, transportation, and other necessities in NYC is the highest in the United States,” the flier adds.

Yea the, “You don’t want to come here anyway because our city is basically unliveable” is quite the pitch.

The flier doesn’t encourage illegal immigrants to head back home. Instead, they advise them to choose other cities across the country (We hear Martha’s Vineyard is nice this time of year).

Which is ironic, since that is what the Republican border states are doing by helping them settle into NYC, or Chicago, or Washington, D.C.

Advising illegal immigrants to stay out of your city or even your country, when coming from somebody other than a Democrat like Adams, is considered “racist.”

RELATED: Democrat NYC Mayor is Bussing Illegal Immigrants to Canada

Reality Changes One’s Perspective

Mayor Adams, up until he got smacked with reality several months ago, had always bragged to illegal immigrants about New York City being a “sanctuary city.”

“New York City will remain a sanctuary city under an Adams administration,” he boasted.

Six months after Abbott began busing illegal aliens to NYC, The Political Insider reported that he had been sending them to the frozen border of Canada.

When these people began seeking “sanctuary,” I’m almost certain the frozen tundra was not what they had in mind.

Adams housed them in free luxury New York City hotel rooms or “mega-shelters” for a while, some of which are replete with television sets, Xbox gaming consoles, and “culturally appropriate” meals.

However, the situation grew so dire that Adams suggested last month that people start housing the illegal immigrants in “private residences” because they have “spare rooms.”

As part of his new approach, Adams explained that single adult illegals will have to reapply for shelter after 60 days. Who knew “sanctuary” had a two-month shelf life?

Officials have complained about the new policy wondering if it would lead to more homelessness in a city already overrun by it. They’ve even suggested the mayor’s new tactics are illegal.

New York City, in part due to its “right to shelter” law, is currently housing over 105,800 illegals and homeless individuals.

joint statement by the Legal Aid Society and the Coalition for the Homeless has accused the city of dozens of violations of the “right to shelter” laws, and the mayor’s office has been reassessing the law due to the current situation.

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