
Earlier this month, we heard Khloe Kardashian confront Kris Jenner for cheating.

Obviously, this is a doubly sore subject for Khloe. Tristan cheated on her repeatedly, but she also has lingering baggage from her own parents’ divorce.

This week, we heard Kris answer her daughter’s question.

And she wholly admits that cheating on Robert Sr. was the worst mistake of her life.

Khloe Kardashian confronts a relative about cheating on The Kardashians Season 4. (Image Credit: Hulu)

“What was your mindset when you cheated?” Khloe asked her mother, very bluntly.

At first, Kris seemed to not expect the question at all — even though, clearly, it was on her daughter’s mind.

But Kris quickly let Khloe finish asking the question as she considered her future — or lack thereof — with Tristan Thompson.

Clearly, Kris Jenner did not expect for her daughter to call her out on The Kardashians. (Image Credit: Hulu)

“When you did that with my dad, and you had four kids and you had a family?” Khloe asked.

Cheating when you have kids is different than cheating when it’s just the two of you and a couple of shared pieces of furniture.

“Yes,” she then acknowledged before her mother could say it, “I know you were really young. …”

Khloe Kardashian sits on upscale patio furniture and gestures while wearing a white tank top.
Khloe Kardashian points out that her mother was very young when she made a major mistake. (Image Credit: Hulu)

Kris wholeheartedly acknowledged that she was “really young and dumb” at that time.

In 1990, when she met and had an affair with Caitlyn Jenner, Kris was in her mid-thirties.

She noted that age is “something that plays into it, because you don’t really understand the consequences of your actions.”

Wearing oversized sunglasses, Kris Jenner gestures with both hands from a comfortable seat on the patio.
Momager Kris Jenner acknowledges that being “young and dumb” played a major role in one catastrophic mistake. (Image Credit: Hulu)

Khloe clearly does not understand Tristan’s litany of betrayals. So she hoped that Kris’ much simpler affair could shed light on things.

“But what was my dad not doing that made you want to look elsewhere?” Khloe then questioned.

“I don’t know,” Kris admitted, “because he was such a great husband and such a great dad.”

Wearing a white tank top, a very blonde Khloe Kardashian flashes her long nails for emphasis.
Lounging on the patio, Khloe Kardashian discusses the nuances of her family’s mistakes. (Image Credit: Hulu)

“And I think that I fell into a situation where I thought that the grass was greener somewhere else,” Kris characterized.

She then admitted: “And I made a huge mistake.”

Kris expressed: “That’s my life’s biggest regret.”

Kris Jenner wears a white blazer and speaks directly to the confessional camera.
Wearing white, Kris Jenner speaks very directly about what it was like to communicate with her ex-husband in the ’90s after they divorced. (Image Credit: Hulu)

“I really do live my life by thinking God has a plan,” Kris stated.

That’s a fine sentiment when it comes to one’s own choices. So long as you’re not saying it to someone else after a tragedy befalls them, you’re not harming anyone.

And without that whole thing happening,” Kris pointed out, “there never would’ve been Kendall and Kylie.”

Clad all in black, Kris Jenner speaks from the heart.
Speaking on the patio, Kris Jenner acknowledges that her late ex-husband helped her through some of life’s hardest moments — even after their divorce. (Image Credit: Hulu)

Kris then spoke to the confessional camera about how things changed for her and Robert Kardashian Sr. after the divorce.

They were, after all, still co-parents.

“When I got divorced, Robert and I became best friends,” Kris characterized.

Kris Jenner speaks emphatically and at an angle on The Kardashians' confessional camera.
On The Kardashians, Kris Jenner admits that her affair and subsequent divorce turned out to be the biggest mistake of my life. (Image Credit: Hulu)

“We talked on the phone all day long, helped each other through things all the time, and I did have regrets,” she acknowledged.

“I thought, Wow, what I was thinking?” Kris admitted.

She concluded: “So I want Khloe to be really careful when she makes these decisions and she has to let somebody go.”


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