
sotomayor conservative justices
The Official White House Photostream, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

In an interview Monday, far-left U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor said she feels “frustration” every day because she believes conservative justices are causing an ideological shift in America.

She believes the high court’s right-leaning judges are moving the U.S. ideologically to the right.

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‘Every Loss Traumatizes Me’

Sotomayor made her remarks at an event at the famously left-wing University of California, Berkeley School of Law.

As she took questions, the justice was asked how she deals with conservative rulings from the court.

“Every loss truly traumatizes me,” but “I get up the next morning,” she replied, According to The San Francisco Chronicle.

The audience of mostly students applauded that answer.

The Hill reports:

In her remarks, she criticized her “originalist colleagues” whom she said have come up with “new ways to interpret the Constitution,” changing rulings “that some of us believed were well established,” the Chronicle reported.

The 6-3 conservative court has had an eventful couple of terms, making its mark on some of the most consequential aspects of everyday life — from overturning the federal right to an abortion to ruling affirmative action in colleges unconstitutional.

But Sotomayor also imparted a message of hope to the crowd, pushing them to be encouraged by the difference they can make.

“Change never happens on its own. Change happens because people care about moving the arc of the universe towards justice,” Sotomayor said.”

Inadvertently, the Justice admitted that she is an activist in her approach to the law.

She told the audience, “It’s your turn now, to carry that burden.”

“What choice do you have but to fight the good fight?” she said.

There might be different definitions of what constitutes “good” fights.

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Fighting the Good Fight Should Mean Protecting the Constitution

There are more originalists on the Supreme Court than ever, something due in large part to Donald Trump’s appointments.

‘Originalist’ meaning actually following the Constitution as opposed to theorizing in one’s decisions to arrive at their own ideological ends.

Arriving at their own ideological ends is precisely the meaning of Sotomayor’s statement about “moving the arc of the universe towards justice.” To her, that means a complete transformation of American law and values.

Some recent decisions have come out with more conservative results because that is what following the Constitution demands.

And preserving the language and integrity of America’s governing charter – especially on the Supreme Court – might be the most important fight there is.

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