The United Kingdom showcased its submission to mass immigration on Tuesday by flying the Pakistani flag above its most important Anglican church.
Footage shared across the X platform showed the flag of Pakistan flying above Westminster Abbey, an Anglican church in central London that is host to royal weddings, funerals, and other national occasions.
The Pakistani flag is being flown from Westminster Abbey, Britain’s most important Anglican Church. Chilling. pic.twitter.com/4A5dNVYpl6
— Ben Kew (@ben_kew) March 26, 2024
According to the Pakistan High Commission, the flag was hoisted to celebrate Pakistan Day, a national holiday commemorating the adoption of the first Constitution of Pakistan.
“Special prayers were offered for the progress and prosperity of Pakistan, its leadership & people as well as for the continued friendship between the two countries,” the commission noted.
“A large number of British citizens, Churchgoers and officials from Pakistan High Commission attended the event.”
Westminster Abbey @wabbey marks Pakistan Day with Special Service.
Pakistan’s flag hoisted on the rooftop of Westminster Abbey.
As per tradition, the Westminster Abbey organized a Special Evensong to mark the Pakistan Day.
Special prayers were offered for the progress and… pic.twitter.com/5Do5XYvbGw
— Pakistan High Commission London (@PakistaninUK) March 22, 2024
Such an act of deference is particularly offensive to Christians given Pakistan’s brutal persecution of its Christian minority, who are regularly the target of the country’s blasphemy laws.
According to Global Christian Relief, Christian persecution in Pakistan “includes large-scale kidnappings of young believers who are thrust into forced marriages, dreadful violence directed at churches on feast days, and societal discrimination.”
“Today, Christian persecution in Pakistan is evident in the form of job discrimination; over 80% of Pakistani believers are from these lower echelons of society and often work undesirable jobs,” the organization notes.
Per Global Christian Relief:” Christian persecution in Pakistan includes large-scale kidnappings of young believers who are thrust into forced marriages, dreadful violence directed at churches on feast days, and societal discrimination.” pic.twitter.com/d5ePekOdtd
— Ben Kew (@ben_kew) March 26, 2024
The rising of the another country’s flag is also a reflection of Britain’s large Pakistani population, many of whom hold Christianity in contempt. According to the most recent national census, there are around 1.5 million Pakistanis living in the UK, with that number growing every year.
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