
Taylor Hale — the first Black woman to win “Big Brother” — says the show certainly has a racism problem, but thinks there’s an easier way to deal with it besides outright canceling.
We talked to the reality show winner, who took home an $800k cash prize last year, in L.A. about what she made of a recurring theme on ‘BB’ lately … namely, white contestants continuing to say problematic things about fellow Black competitors year in and year out.
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Taylor says she’s definitely aware of that trend but doesn’t think it’s unique to the famous CBS series. On the contrary, she says it’s simply a microcosm of American society.
Interestingly enough … TH also doesn’t think the racism and/or microaggressions — of which she fell victim to on several occasions — are a cardinal sin in and of themselves in the context of the show. In fact, Taylor says it’s a strategic tactic that could be used to win.

What she does take issue with, however, is when people get called out for it … only to try and deny any wrongdoing. In her eyes, if folks just owned their bad behavior and chalked it up to competition … they’d probably come out on the other side relatively unscathed.
It’s a fascinating take … basically, Taylor sounds like a realist here — noting that racism absolutely exists, but also pointing out that people showing their true biased colors in the course of the show isn’t as big a deal as Twitter makes it out to be each season.
Case by case, of course … sometimes contestants say/do things that are actually cancelable — and when they do, they’re booted ASAP. Taylor says ‘BB’ handles all this well enough.
In terms of how Taylor’s doing lately … check it out. She’s living it up and then some!
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