90 Day Fiance couple David Dangerfield and his love interest Sheila are still trying to get over their first night together. It was awkward for both.
But they had no problem sharing the details of their passion with the Before the 90 Days camera crew during their confessional. Even though their first intimate night together did not go quite as they had envisioned, it is nothing compared to the problems they will face next.
90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days – Sheila Takes David Dangerfield Home
Now that David Dangerfield is in the Phillippines with his 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days partner things are not going so well. He finds interacting with her harder than he thought it would be.
He hopes that after they move past their first awkward intimate night together the tension will ease. But their difficulties go beyond the bedroom.
He wants to learn more about Sheila, her homeland, and her family. But, she doesn’t seem eager to open up to him. He finds that strange and concerning. She has never had a problem opening up to him before now.

He decides to put the subject to rest for the time being. David wants Sheila to take him sightseeing, and show him where she lives. He can sense her mood changes, and it puts him on edge.
Once they arrive at her house he is shocked by the conditions in which she and her family have been forced to live. The house is literally falling down around them, and they are exposed to the elements. He feels very uncomfortable there, but he tries to hide his feelings from his 90 Day Fiance.
David Has a Hard Time Communicating With TLC Love Interest
The trip to the Philippines is not getting any easier for David. He and Sheila are having difficulty communicating with each other. The stress is beginning to affect them.
90 Day Fiance star David Dangerfield is not used to having so many communication difficulties. He wants to do everything possible to help his relationship with her progress.

When everything starts to become too much for them, he comes up with a plan. The 90 Day Fiance cast member decides to hire an interpreter to help them communicate better.
She is unhappy with his plan. Sheila prefers to work out their communication issues themselves. She feels uneasy about it, but she wants to make him happy. So she has no choice but to agree with his wishes.
90 Day Fiance: Sheila Suffers Breakdown Over Another Woman
The minute Aimee the interpreter arrives, David’s fiance senses trouble. First off she didn’t want an interpreter to begin with, and secondly, it is a woman.
This is another problem for her, and it does nothing to help her trust issues. She states from the start that she does not like this stranger being with them. It is really getting to her.
But when they go out to dinner and he engages in what Sheila sees as flirty small talk things go from terrible to disastrous. When he asks the interpreter whether or not she has ever been married, his girlfriend loses her mind. She starts to suffer an emotional breakdown and bursts into tears.
David and Sheila’s communication has been a challenge, but David’s “solution” might make things even worse… Don’t miss #90DayFiance: Before the 90 Days, Sundays at 8/7c. pic.twitter.com/2XbE3DNOaa
— 90DayFiance (@90DayFiance) July 20, 2023
The 90 Day Fiance star can see that her Before the 90 Days fiance is showing an interest in this other woman. She is cute and outgoing and they do not have the communication issues that Sheila and David do.
So, it is obvious that he enjoys his conversation with her. All the while, Sheila’s heart breaks. She can’t stand seeing him interact with another woman in any form and her jealousy takes control of her.
This is not going to end well for the pair unless Sheila can get David Dangerfield to ditch the interpreter and figure out a way the two of them can communicate better.
Check back with Soap Dirt to get the latest 90 Day Fiance news.
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