
The Iraqi government spokesman said that the American statements regarding the existence of prior coordination with Baghdad to launch strikes on sites in Iraq are purely false allegations aimed at misleading public opinion.

The Iraqi government spokesman, Al-Awadi, denied the existence of any prior coordination with the United States regarding American strikes on sites in Iraq.

Al-Awadi said in a statement published by the official news agency (INA) this afternoon, Saturday, that Washington “committed a new aggression against the sovereignty of Iraq, as the locations of our security forces in the Akashat and Al-Qaim regions (west), as well as neighboring civilian places, were bombed by several aircraft.” “American.”

He added, “This blatant aggression led to 16 martyrs, including civilians, in addition to 25 wounded. It also caused losses and damage to residential buildings and citizens’ property.”

He considered that “the American side then deliberately deceived and falsified the facts by announcing prior coordination to commit this aggression, which is a false claim aimed at misleading international public opinion and evading legal responsibility for this crime.”

He stressed that “this aggressive strike will put security in Iraq and the region on the brink of the abyss, and it also contradicts efforts to establish the required stability.”

He added, “Iraq reiterates its refusal to let its lands be an arena for settling scores, and all parties must realize this, as the lands of our country are not the appropriate place to send messages and show force between opponents.”

Earlier, the spokesman for the Commander-in-Chief of the Iraqi Armed Forces, Yahya Rasoul, condemned the American strikes, considering that they constitute a “violation of Iraqi sovereignty” and represent a threat that will drag Iraq and the region into undesirable consequences that will be disastrous for the security and stability of Iraq and the region.

Yesterday, Friday, the US Central Command (Centcom) announced launching retaliatory strikes in Iraq and Syria against the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and militias loyal to it.

Washington received a strong blow a few days ago on the Syrian-Jordanian border, as the US Central Command announced, in a statement on Sunday, that 3 American soldiers were killed and 25 others were wounded in a drone attack that struck a base in northeastern Jordan near the border with Syria, carrying the “Islamic Resistance in Iraq.” Responsibility for the attack

Study: Israelis are suffering the largest psychological crisis in history as a result of the “Al-Aqsa Flood”

The “Al-Aqsa Flood” attack launched by Hamas and other Palestinian factions on October 7, 2023 in response to attacks by the Israeli army and settlers, caused a psychological crisis and major shock among Israeli society, which the Minister of Health described as “the largest in history.”

Israeli society is suffering from great psychological trauma as a result of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” attack, launched by Hamas and other Palestinian factions on October 7, 2023.

A study published in the British medical journal The Lancet on January 5 revealed that all residents of Israel were exposed, in one way or another, to the repercussions of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” attack, which was unprecedented in terms of “the scope and horror of the psychological trauma.”

Israeli society is experiencing an unprecedented mental health crisis and anxiety about hostages, according to the study, which touched on a “grave national psychological shock” due to the number of post-traumatic symptoms and cases of depression and distress, which indicates a “noticeable impact” on the mental health of Israelis.

Sherry Daniels, the official at the “Eran” psychological aid emergency line, confirmed that the number of calls received by this telephone and electronic platform has doubled since last October 7.

The Hamas movement and Palestinian factions in Gaza launched a military operation called “Al-Aqsa Flood,” in response to the continuing attacks by Israeli settlers and occupation army forces against the Palestinian people, their property, and their sanctities, especially Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem.

The “Al-Aqsa Flood” attack resulted in the deaths of more than 1,160 people, in addition to the detention of about 250 hostages who were transferred to the Gaza Strip, 132 of whom are still detained, while the Israeli army announced that 27 of them had died.

100 thousand Israelis are in psychological shock

The Director-General of the Ministry of Health, Moshe Bar Siman Tov, revealed that out of an estimated population of 9.7 million people, 100,000 of them have been exposed to accidents that may cause psychological trauma since October 7, 2023.

In turn, the Minister of Health, Uriel Busso, considered that the State of Israel, which he declared in 1948, was simply facing “the largest mental health crisis in its history.”

Almost every Israeli family includes a soldier among its members, whether permanent or reserve soldiers who participate in operations in Gaza. 224 of them died in battle.

In light of the growing needs and severe shortage of psychologists, the Israeli government announced a recruitment campaign, and decided in mid-January to grant additional resources to the mental health sector worth 1.4 billion shekels (more than 350 million euros).

Civil society is mobilizing to confront this situation, and virtual reality helmets have been used for therapeutic purposes. The minors, who were released from detention last November, received unprecedented care at the Schneider Center in Tel Aviv.

“We are trying to fill the gaps in the system,” says Sherri Daniels.


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